(1.0) The LESSEE declares that all personal and credit card details provided by him are correct and agrees to be used according to the rental contract terms, and if necessary, by the government and police authorities.
(1.1) If the LESSEE does not pay the amounts due upon receipt of the car as per the payment methods specified in the reservation voucher, the order shall be deemed cancelled due to LESSEE’s fault. In this case, the LESSEE shall pay s compensation to the LESSOR for the unexecuted contract for the amount equal to the value of the order as well as compensation for the loss of earnings.
(1.2) The payment in advance made online by the LESSEE to secure the booking is an inseparable part of the total rental rate and it is non-refundable. Refunds that shall be made to the LESSEE are subject to any applicable administrative and bank fees.
(1.3) The rental price is based on a 24-hour rental period. Extending or reducing the rental period is possible with at least 24-hour advance notice and the LESSEE must receive a written confirmation by the LESSOR to the email provided in the order. In case of extension, the LESSEE shall pay the price of the new rental period in a LESSOR’s office before the beginning of the extended period. In case of reduction, the rental price shall be recalculated based on the shorter period and the LESSEE shall also pay a compensation amounting to a 3-day rental.
(1.4) The rental price does not include fuel. The LESSEE must return the car with the same amount of fuel as received, otherwise, the missing fuel shall be paid 1.5 Euro (3 Leva) per litre.
(1.5) Except for the rental price due, the LESSEE provides an additional insurance deposit, deducted from his credit card and refunded within 40 (forty) days after the car return date.
(1.6) The amount of LESSEE’s liability in a traffic accident is the equivalent of the provided insurance deposit, except in the cases described in article (1.7) and if the LESSEE has complied with all rental contracts and general terms of service.
(1.7) The LESSEE is fully liable for all damages to the car, not covered by the insurance and the insurance deposit, like but not limited to:
- loss or theft of LESSEE’s personal belongings;
- loss of car keys and documents;
- damages on the chassis and wheel rims;
- damages and pollution of the car interior;
- damages not listed in the traffic accident protocol;
- damages caused by the transportation of dangerous goods;
- damages caused by off-road riding and towing other vehicles;
- changed, damaged, flat or cut tires, unless the LESSEE paid for “Tire Insurance”;
- damages caused by unlicensed and unauthorized drivers;
- damages occurred after alcohol or other intoxicating substances usage;
- damages caused by inappropriate repair work not approved by the LESSOR;
- damages caused by smoking in the car;
- damages caused by fuel not matching the one pointed out in the contract;
- damages outside the territory of the country if the car has left without LESSOR's permission;
- theft of the car, if the keys and documents are not handed over to the LESSOR;
- missing items and damages to the car rental equipment provided to the LESSEE and described in the rental contract and in the inspection report (tools, car jack, spare tire, windshield wipers, hubcaps, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, warning triangle, reflective vest, car manual, GPS device, child seats, booster seats, a trailer hitch, roof rack, sun shades, etc.);
(1.8) The car shall be provided to the LESSEE clean and in good working order with the appearance described in the inspection report, which is an inseparable part of the rental contract. The LESSEE declares he has received all the necessary instructions about safe operation and car maintenance during the rental.
(1.9) The rental car must be returned with all documents and keys at the time and place pointed out in the rental contract and in the same condition as stated in the inspection report. If the car is returned unclean and with damages to the interior the LESSEE shall pay all cleaning and repair expenses.